Idk but this is what I think (so far!)
I think our purpose in life is to become better humans.
- What does it mean? It means to focus on learning. It means that it is okay not to be perfect. Your goal is to improve so it’s okay wherever you are. Start where you’re. Be humble and non-pretentious. We’re all learning :)
- What is “better”? I think we live in a system and you are “better” if you contribute positively to that system — people, animals, nature, etc. Life will give you different opportunities to contribute to system — someone will smile at a stranger, someone will care for their kids, and someone will help the environment. We’ll all contribute differently and based on our individual capacities. Some days, you’ll help and others you’ll need help. Be open to the flow of giving and receiving good. Someone will add ‘goodness’ to your system and you’ll add it to someone else’s system.
- How can you be “better”? Focus on yourself. Focus on learning, observing, and understanding! It takes a while to make an impact. Don’t be greedy. You’ll have to learn a lot about yourself and the world before you make an impact. Be kind and patient with yourself and others. Be hopeful and optimistic. Appreciate every moment. The system is working with you to bring you one step closer to where you want to get to. You may not always understand or appreciate everything that happens, but try to. Every moment is brought to you by the system to aid you and your growth. Just keep your intentions focused and your efforts consistent. The results will come. Take care of yourself. Be kind, patient, and loving. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Enjoy the ride and keep loving it. Work with others :)